Take a closer look at Spirit’s upcoming events! If you’re curious, Past Events are also viewable. Need a bird’s eye view? Go back to the Monthly Calendar.
Wednesday Respite Online Service
A 30-min contemplative service of scripture, prayer, music and a Touchpoint homily by Spirit in the Desert spiritual director, Henry Rojas.
Spirited Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer is founded on the basic goodness of human nature and is a way of cultivating union with God through silence and surrender. It is said that one may or may not “feel” the presence of God during centering prayer but, with repeated practice, one grows into a deeper sense of God’s abiding presence in all places and at all times.
Spirited Book Club ~ We Survived the End of the World
From the moment European settlers reached these shores, the American apocalypse began. But Native Americans did not vanish. Apocalypse did not fully destroy them, and it doesn’t have to destroy us.
Pandemics and war, social turmoil and corrupt governments, natural disasters and environmental collapse–it’s hard not to watch the signs of the times and feel afraid. But we can journey through that fear to find hope. With the warnings of a prophet and the lively voice of a storyteller, Choctaw elder and author of Ladder to the Light Steven Charleston speaks to all who sense apocalyptic dread rising around and within.
Community of the Wild Goose
A weekly gathering named and inspired by the Celtic’s image of Spirit, Wild Goose (for more see below). The gathering was created by Henry Rojas, a former NBA mascot/Chaplain and a bunch of hooligans in recovery ~ but we are not a recovery church or program! ~ welcoming anyone, whatever your journey of strong faith or no faith, doubting or seeking, religious or non-religious, wealthy or not so much, who love the idea of love but do it awkwardly.
Gourding in the Desert
The Arizona Gourd Society’s annual Gourding in the Desert Retreat brings together gourders for class time and creative camaraderie.
Wednesday Respite ~ In Person
A 30-min contemplative service of scripture, prayer, music and a Touchpoint homily by Spirit in the Desert faith mentor, Henry Rojas.
Play Ball and Connect: A Desert Sojourn Retreat
‘Play Ball! – A Desert Sojourn Retreat’ at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center from March 16-20, 2025. This unique retreat invites baseball-loving pastors to combine their passion for the game with spiritual reflection and fellowship. Enjoy daily gatherings, MLB Spring Training games, and evenings filled with classic baseball films, all set against the stunning backdrop of Arizona’s desert landscape.