I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.” vss. 3-5
Philippians 1:3-7
Because many of us have been a part of a faith community since infancy, we often don’t realize what a blessing such a membership brings. Paul had come out of a tight-knit Jewish background but when he began his spirit-directed journey into Gentile lands, he realized anew the joy that comes from being a part of a praying community. And this community was different from any he’d ever known. Rather than being based on law and rituals, these Philippians were his brothers and sisters because of their sharing in the gospel. We know what Paul was feeling. Sometimes life can seem routine and we follow established patterns in daily living, but then something happens, perhaps a crisis or calamity, the community gets the word, and people begin to pray. And like Paul we are lifted up by prayer and sustained by the power of love. In this individualistic, every-person-for-themselves world, where we’re expected by our culture to take care of ourselves, community is the greatest gift the church has to offer. Humans have known from the beginning that being lonely is not good. We’re communal creatures, and when we are surrounded by love and kindness we are at our best.
Thought for the Day: How has community lifted me in a time of need?