Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Sing aloud, O daughter Zion; shout, O Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem!” vs. 14

Zephaniah 3:14-16

It’s likely that Zephaniah was active as a prophet during the reforms of Josiah, one of the few strong and moral kings of Judah. He began his ministry by calling for an end to corruption within the priestly hierarchy and was evidently thrilled when leaders paid attention to him. As far as he was concerned the reformation was an occasion for rejoicing and exultation. Those times do come for the people of God. Our story is mixed, and while we are certainly aware of the moments when everything is going bad, there are also times for singing and praise. The Advent season provides those opportunities for people of faith. Every week there are concerts and programs celebrating all that God has done to bring healing and restoration to our broken world. Our musicians do a wonderful job in setting the mood of the holiday, and worship leaders love to fill sanctuaries with the sound of music and even shouts of joy. As we anticipate the delights of the Christmas holiday, our Advent singing and celebrating is an acknowledgment of Christ’s presence in the world. So let’s pick out concerts that spark our joy and participate fully, not only listening to the beautiful songs from the choir, but singing our own hearts out in joyous thanksgiving.

Thought for the Day: What’s my favorite Christmas concert?


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