He has raised up a mighty savior for us in the house of his servant David… that we would be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us.” vss. 69, 71
Luke 1:68-75
Zechariah’s song of praise, as recounted by Luke, reflects the conviction of early disciples that the ministry of John the Baptizer was no accident of history, but was indicative of God’s continued care for the descendants of Abraham. The Jews had had some rough years. They’d been rounded up and deported, somehow survived and returned, and then were roughed up again by the Greeks and Romans. But through it all their prophets had urged them to keep on hoping, and that one day a savior would come, and they would be rescued again. Well, that Savior did come and in him countless millions of people have found their salvation. But somehow there’s still a sense of uneasiness, as though all the good things that have happened could be snatched away. Some even worry that the days of deportation could return. Luke would understand our concerns. He too lived in a time of great turmoil and distress–but he also knew that the God of our ancestors will never desert us. We too have sons and daughters who will spark change in our world and who will work to restore its brokenness. And they won’t have to invent anything new–our Savior continues to be present–and in him our children will be the hope of the world.
Thought for the Day: How are our children bringing healing?