'Finances' Tagged Posts
Daily Devotions: September 21, 2019
September 21, 2020 For full passage click: Luke 16:1-9 … “And his master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly; for the children of this age are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light.” vs. 8 In this strange parable from Jesus, the dishonest manager is commended for his shrewdness; he had adjusted the accounts of debtors to insure their kindness when he was fired from his job. It’s not an…
Daily Devotions: November 6, 2018
November 6, 2018 1 Kings 17:13-16 …“She went and did as Elijah said, so that she as well as he and her household ate for many days.” vs. 15 It’s easy to say, “Don’t worry, God will provide,” but it’s a lot harder to live that way. We all know that sometimes people in our world starve to death. Sometimes people fall into bankruptcy and never recover. That’s just the way it is. So, while we may have some degree…