A 30-MIN Virtual Program each Sunday of Advent
Spirited Advent: My Soul Magnifies the Lord!
As you prepare to celebrate a MERRY Christmas in your home and community, we invite you to join Spirited Advent for an online soul journey with Mary, mother of the Christ. Think of it as a blessed time-out, a necessary time of soul replenishment during this most festive and frantic season of the year.
With Mary as soul-sister and the Magnificat as guide, our virtual gatherings will provide intimate space to explore your own soul’s unique begotten-ness. Each Sunday during Advent (December 3, 10 and 17 and concluding Saturday, December 23), our sacred half-hour together is an invitation to revelation and to wonder. Facilitated by Sheri Brown at 5:00 pm AZ (Mountain-MST) (4:00 Pacific-PST, 6:00 Central-CST), we will sojourn under the Advent banners of hope, peace, joy, and love.
Come, dear souls, let us magnify the Lord!
The soul speaks quietly inside but has no physical voice of its own.
It waits, sometimes for decades,
for us to listen and lend it our voice in the stands we take
for love, justice, and awakening.
When we speak as soul
we speak with
authority and power.
Lending Soul Our Voice by John C. Robinson, Ph.D., D.Min.
Exploring The Magnificat
December 3 (Sunday): God’s hope … begotten in us.
We carry within God’s hope for the world. This is our song.
- My soul sings in gratitude. I’m dancing in the mystery of God.
- The light of the Holy One is within me and I am blessed, so truly blessed!
December 10 (Sunday): God’s peace … begotten in us.
We carry within God’s peace for the world. This is our truth.
- This goes deeper than human thinking.
- I am filled with awe at Love whose only condition is to be received.
December 17 (Sunday): God’s joy … begotten in us.
We carry within God’s joy for the world. This is our salvation.
- The gift is not for the proud, for they have no room for it.
- The strong and self-sufficient ones don’t have this awareness.
December 23 (Saturday): God’s love … begotten in us.
We carry within God’s love for the world. This is our legacy.
- But those who know their emptiness can rejoice in Love’s fullness.
- It’s the Love that we are made for, the reason for our being.
- It fills our inmost heart space and brings to birth in us The Holy One.
Bullet points are from Joy Cowley’s Modern Magnificat.
Your Spirited Advent: My Soul Magnifies the Lord! facilitator is Sheri Brown.
Weekly Themes
- December 3 ~ God’s Hope… begotten in us
- December 10 ~ God’s Peace… begotten in us
- December 17~ God’s Joy… begotten in us
- December 23 ~ God’s Love… begotten in us
Daily Devotions during Advent
Spirit in the Desert offers an Advent-specific daily devotion via email beginning Sunday, December 3 and ending on Christmas Day. If you would like to receive a special devotional reflection by Pr. Steve Holm in your inbox each day during Advent, register here.
One Comment
Compton Reeves
Looking forward to Sheri.