Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

My brothers and sisters, do you with your acts of favoritism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ?” vs. 1

James 2:1-4

James evidently was fed up with the behavior of the believers in his congregations–and he doesn’t mince words. Because of their acts of favoritism, he questions whether they really believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. And what is it that they’ve been doing? It has to do with their reception of visitors. If a person with fine clothes and gold rings comes into their assembly, they are greeted with respect and shown to the finest seat. Likewise, if a poor person in dirty clothes wanders in, they are treated with disdain and told to sit on the floor or stand against the side wall. Amazing isn’t it, that James observed such nonsense in a first century congregation! The same thing happens among us, only we’ve learned to be subtler! We mostly just ignore the poor people with their dirty clothes–they can sit where they want, preferably toward the back. And we’ve figured out ways to make our appreciation for the rich more behind the scenes. Oh we do like for them to have comfortable seating with good sight lines, but the pampering takes place in the attention they get from the clergy and congregational leaders. They get the warm greetings and personal visits! And James says that when we make such distinctions we’re not practicing what we preach! And he’s absolutely right!

Thought for the Day: How do I treat rich and poor people differently?


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