Happy are those whose hope is in the Lord, who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry, and sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind, he lifts up those who are bowed down; The Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow.” vss. 5,7, 8a, 9a
Psalm 146:5-10
When the psalmist warned his readers not to trust mortal rulers and to put their hope in God, he went on to outline what the Lord’s platform for life in his kingdom would look like. As we read through the planks we see that Jesus was obviously familiar with God’s plan–these are things he talked about regularly. And they’re ideas that have not gone out of date! For those wondering how to use their time during the current campaign, it’s an interesting exercise to see how God’s platform matches up with that of the political parties. There was no doubt where Jesus stood on any of these items. It would seem logical that candidates claiming to be lovers of God would stand for the same things. Of course there’s more to running this country than what the psalmist mentioned–there are a myriad of things to be concerned about, e.g. matters of the economy, defense, and the environment. But the things Jesus talked about, what could be called the social gospel, would provide an underlying spirit of compassion, and attention to these things are what really make a country great.
Thought for the Day: How can we tell whether politicians love God?