Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Now therefore revere the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness; put away the gods that your ancestors served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD.” vs. 14

Psalm 34:9-14

Most people have a curiosity about their ancestors. Some spend years in genealogical research to figure out their family tree. Others send in saliva samples to testing companies like 23andme or Ancestry to find out what an analysis of their DNA can tell them about their heritage. While these results are purely physiological it would also be enlightening to get information about our faith ancestry. Like the Hebrews all of us have ancestors who likely worshiped idols. And somewhere along the line some leader, perhaps someone like Joshua, called them out of idolatry into the worship of a mysterious invisible God, that we have come to know as the Lord. And though there have likely been hiccups along the way, for the most part, we’ve continued to practice the faith of our fathers and mothers. But for every generation there comes a time for decision making. Will we continue to walk the path trod by those faith ancestors or will we wander off on our own to seek gods of our own making, ones that will be more satisfying? Often there’s not a conscious choice to walk away from our heritage. It’s more likely that inattention and apathy are the real reasons people wander from faith. And soon we all begin to wonder what the faith of our grandchildren will be!

Thought for the Day: When did my ancestors decide to serve the Lord?


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