Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me.” vs. 57

John 6:54-58

Some of us can remember a time when the celebration of Holy Communion was infrequent in some of our congregations. There was a sense that what really counted was a good sermon, and direction on how believers ought to live in this broken world. And at the same time, in the majority of congregations there was an emphasis on the Mass, and the Eucharist was the main event. Sometimes there was barely time for any kind of a homily. Now it seems there is more of a balance in weekly worship between word and sacrament, and that’s a good thing. Exposition of the scriptures is always important, and we’ve come to understand that the celebration of Holy Communion is the source of life for every believer. Jesus described it well. Mysterious as it may seem, the bread and wine of the sacrament is what connects us to the living and ever-present God. Creation wasn’t just the making of a lot of stuff. It was the source of all life, and it was that life which became incarnate in Jesus through the Holy Spirit, and that same life enlivens our spirits every time we eat and drink. As we have begun to understand what grocery store food is best, our insatiable life-seeking faith drives us back to the Table week after week.

Thought for the Day: What enlivens my spirit?


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