Daily devotions

Daily devotions

Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart.” vs. 1

Luke 18:1-5

Jesus knew that prayer can often be a disheartening experience, mostly because there seems to be no response from God. So he tells his disciples a parable about an unjust judge who neither feared God nor respected people. But when a poor woman kept coming with a plea for justice, the judge finally granted her request just to keep her from bothering him. Jesus’ point is clear. If persistence pays off in dealing with corrupt judges, there is surely great value in regular and persistent prayer. Many disciples continue to need that encouragement. It isn’t that there’s some magic number of times we have to repeat a prayer before it is answered–God surely doesn’t keep track of such things. But it’s the persistence itself that brings satisfaction in prayer! Prayer isn’t a tool that Christians haul out when they’re in a rough spot, prayer is a way of life, a daily conversation with God about whatever is troubling us or giving us joy. And in those quiet moments, as time passes, prayers can be repeated for a lifetime. We may not get the results we want or expect, but with the praying comes healing and peace. Connections are made with God and the entire community that bring spiritual strength and daily support. A life built on a foundation of persistent prayer brings satisfaction beyond all expectations.

Thought for the Day: What have been my most persistent prayers?


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