And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” vss. 7-8
Luke 18:6-8
The parable of the unjust judge has been clear in affirming the faithfulness of God. If a crooked judge will answer persistent petitions, then certainly God will do the same. How could we even imagine otherwise? But the more important question has to do with the faithfulness of believers. After months and even years of coming to God in prayer, and often not getting what we want, how long will we continue to be people of faith? Is there a point when we give up on God, go our own way, and even stop taking time to pray? Unfortunately, it would seem that many times this is the case. People do tire of repeating the same petitions again and again, especially when they’ve learned to think of God as their “great parent in the sky.” In such instances it’s not unusual for faith to virtually disappear. Sadly, some will even say they no longer believe in God. But those who remain faithful eventually discover that the point and power of prayer is not in the answers, but in the process. Somehow as we regularly offer our petitions of praise and supplication, our divine connections even bring us the satisfaction we crave and all the answers we need!
Thought for the Day: What might cause me to stop praying?