Spirit turns 30: Join the celebration!
Celebrate Spirit’s 30th Anniversary with us! Friends of Spirit in the Desert will gather in Carefree on October 21 to celebrate Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center’s 30 years in ministry.
Spirited friends in Arizona ~ and beyond! ~ are invited connect once again with friends old and new, meet Spirit staff and board of directors, and learn what Spirit is up to lately.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Spirit in the Desert
7415 E Elbow Bend Rd, Carefree, Arizona
3:30 – 6:00 pm

Bring your pictures!
Look through your photo albums and your phones, bring pictures of your adventures at Spirit over the last 30 years to share. Note: If you have digital images only and cannot print them, send your pics to Solveig@Spiritinthedesert.org.
What to Expect at Spirit’s 30th Anniversary
The theme this year is Spirit Shines! There will be time to visit with friends over appetizers and drinks while listening to piano jazz by Dan Delaney; drawings for a few prizes; a slide show of Spirit images over the last 30 years; acknowledgements and a brief presentation from Pastor Bob Hutson and the Spirit team; and dedication of the dining hall in honor of Richard Andersen. Remarks begin at 4:45p.
If you’ll be in the area on October 21, please join us, it’ll be fun!
RSVP to the Event
Register online for Spirit’s 30th Anniversary or call Solveig Muus at 480.365.0430 by 17 October.