Earth Rising: Celebrations of Resurrected Hope
We have the two most consequential experiments in the history of humankind. The first is the uncontrolled dumping of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We know how that ends. But the second is an experiment in human community. In democracy and organization and compassion and our willingness and ability to confront this emergency, arm in arm, together.
Stephen Markely in The Deluge
A message from facilitator Sheri Brown:
Our Lenten Practicum: 40 Days of Caring for Creation was about opening our minds to the realities of climate change and, repentantly, letting our hearts – and our habits – be changed as we confessed our participation in the causes of global warming.
Many Lenten Practitioners said it was hard to take in the enormity of the problem. And even harder to make changes in nearly every aspect of daily life as we live into God’s vision for a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.
I agree. It WAS hard. It IS hard.
But we can do it. That is to say: I hope and trust we can do it.
That is to say: I believe with all my heart we are CALLED to do it. We are adaptive, resilient, creative, energetic, and passionate people, bound by a love that will not let us go.
And so, arm in arm, together, let us search out glimpses of the Risen One during Earth Rising: Celebrations of Resurrected Hope.
During virtual gatherings on Thursdays from April 13 – May 18, we’ll take 30-40 minutes or so to continue learning the work that is ours to do, PLUS take virtual field trips around the world to meet people who are already doing that work. We’ll explore ideas that inspire and empower us to live into our own resurrected hope. We’ll become better equipped to be climate changemakers in our homes, our congregations, our communities.
Join learner/facilitator Sheri Brown on Thursdays at 4:00 pm AZ (PDT) for six half-hour virtual workshops, beginning Thursday, April 13.
Gail Turner
Could this virtual gathering be recorded for use by potential participants who cannot watch live on Thursdays at 4:pm?
Solveig Muus
Thank you for your suggestion! Stay tuned for the answer.
Gail Turner
The topic is SO pertinent, and reaches into consciousness not routinely found; it is worthy of a larger audience watching, then spreading the information via “adult forums/education” in individual Congregations. The change in our behaviors could be efficacious across the GCS, alone.
Maripat Hensel
I will be of town for the first 2 sessions.
Solveig Muus
Join us when you can, you’re most welcome anytime!
Rev. Doug Moffat
Too many drinking the kool-aid of climate change
Listen to other experts ..the Pope has no experience in this
Solveig Muus
Thank you for sharing. All points of view are welcome here.
Sunnie Adams
A magnificent, challenging and imperative quest requires the greatest exposure possible.
Always in All Ways.
Perhaps to fund the availability of making presentations available for repeated viewing and sharing, a small fee could be charged. I would gladly pay to have access to view and share
what I can not always attend.
Well presented information, well documented and easy to access information is the most inspiring and motivating support for change. 🙂