But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” vs. 33
Jeremiah 31:31-34
The book of Jeremiah is full of laments. The prophet was no fool and he could see that the old covenant that Israel had taken so much pride in just hadn’t worked. They had more laws than anyone could keep track of, and the people had paid little attention. They manipulated the ordinances, added to them, and mostly ignored them. In fact, their whole sacrificial system had become corrupt. So Jeremiah lamented the past! But he hadn’t given up! He looked forward to a new covenant, one with laws that would be written on people’s hearts, and not on tablets of stone. That vision of a new relationship with God is no pipe dream. Through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the presence of God’s Holy Spirit millions of people are living under that new covenant all over the world. United, not by external laws, but by empowering grace, these people have a God connection that is intimate and full of power. We see them every day, everywhere we go. They have killer smiles, tender hearts, and spend their days pouring out unconditional love and tending to the needs of others with sacrificial service. They know that God is, and that they are God’s people.
Thought for the Day: When did the law get written on my heart?