Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, ‘Go now to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and live there; for I have commanded a widow there to feed you.’” vss. 8-9
1 Kings 17:8-12
Elijah lived in Israel during the time of King Ahab, and had announced that, because of Israel’s great idolatry, there would be a three-year drought. Because the king saw him, not as a prophet, but as an enemy, Elijah had to spend the period of the drought on the run. Eventually he is directed by the Spirit to go to a small remote town and stay with a widow who will feed him. As we read this story we can’t help but think of the millions of people in the world today who have become refugees because of drought, war, and famine. It’s an enormous problem and tragically those seeking refuge have discovered that there are few places where they will be welcomed. Thousands have died on their journeys, and tens of thousands live in camps where most are destined to spend their lives in crowded and disease-ridden conditions. Those who do find their ways to wealthy nations find themselves ostracized and feared. Many, instead of being welcomed, are rounded up and sent back where they came from. Unlike the poor widow who gave all she had to help Elijah, the wealthy in today’s world hoard their goods and turn the poor away. Thank God for those people with a heart for the hungry and wandering! They are the hope of the world!
Thought for the Day: Why are we afraid of immigrants?