May 4, 2019
For full passage click: John 21:1-14 …“Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the beach; but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.” vs. 4
There was nothing about the appearance of the man on the beach that reminded the disciples of Jesus; but when their nets were filled with fish after following his instructions, one of them shouted out, “It is the Lord!” When they came ashore and found the man preparing breakfast they were still uncertain. They felt like asking “Who are you?” but none of them dared, they just knew that it was the Lord. The resurrection is like that–we know that it happens but there’s always transformation. Some of us have had that experience with loved ones who have died. We’ll be going about our regular activities and then all of a sudden we sense a familiar presence. It’s mysterious, yet regularly reported. It could be wishful thinking of course. Even though we say we believe in the resurrection of the dead, it’s hard for us to wrap our minds around something that defies logic and scientific inquiry. For the disciples, the experience was enough to propel them into ministries for which many gave their lives. And it’s really not any different for us. We cherish the lingering presence of our beloved ones and look forward to our own new resurrected lives. What happened with Jesus is a foretaste of our own breakfast on the beach, a feasting in paradise with all those we’ve laid to rest.
Thought for the Day: What messages have I received from someone who has died?