Daily Devotions: March 29, 2018

Daily Devotions: March 29, 2018

March 29, 2018

1 Corinthians 11:23-26…“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” vs. 26

Families that eat together have amazing resiliency and develop connections that last for a lifetime. The same is true of our faith communities, as we gather regularly for the eating and drinking that is so central in our life together. Way back at the very beginning when Jesus gathered his disciples around the table, took the bread and the cup, prayed, and declared this ordinary food and drink to be his continuing presence for believers, he established the central ritual of the Christian faith. At the Table there’s no arguing about doctrine or belief, we simply come confessing our sins for a simple meal of bread and wine. What happens in that meal is intensely personal…and it doesn’t depend on the quality of the bread or the brand of the wine. The ritual itself varies from congregation to congregation: it can be by intinction, individual glasses, or the common cup. But, at the center of every gathering, is the Real Presence of the Christ. He is the host and he never fails to satisfy our deepest spiritual needs. Sermons can flop, soloists can go off key, but Jesus doesn’t let us down. The Word of Love that was incarnate in his life and ministry is enfleshed in us through the eating and the drinking–and we know for certain that we are loved and forgiven.

Thought for the Day: What feelings do I have as I take communion?


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