Daily Devotions: July 27, 2017

Daily Devotions: July 27, 2017

Romans 8:26-30

“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.” vs. 26

As followers of Jesus we should never imagine that we know everything or that we know all the answers. Nor should we believe that we will always be strong and confident in every situation. The truth is that our weakness will regularly be on display and we won’t be nearly so strong or wise as we would like to be. In fact, Paul told the Romans that even he didn’t always know how to pray as he ought. Most of us can resonate with those words. So often in the course of our days we run into situations that just baffle us…we know we ought to say a prayer but we don’t really know what we should say. Sometimes people even call us prayer warriors and task us with making God connections…and it’s embarrassing when all we can do is mutter cliches. Paul tells us not to worry about appearances. As Jesus had promised, we have an Advocate to intercede on our behalf when our weakness is overwhelming. Prayer is a time for sighs too deep for words and not crowd-pleasing eloquence. We can be confident that God always has our back and that ultimately all things will work together for good…especially when we haven’t a clue about what to say or do.

Thought for the Day: What gives me problems in my prayers?


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