Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” vs. 1

Isaiah 43:1-7

Through the centuries Israelites had come to believe that they had a special relationship with God. They weren’t just a scattered group of people, free to do as they pleased with life, they actually belonged to God. They were God’s own people, a holy nation set aside to be a blessing to the world. We who are called by the name of Christ are the inheritors of that promise. When we are baptized into Christ we gain a new identity as the children of God, and this is no small thing. Now it’s not unusual to wonder about our purpose as we meander through life. So often we seem to be going through the motions: going to school, marrying, having children, accumulating possessions. We do as the culture directs us with little sense of a broader purpose or direction. But those who know they belong to God also know there is another dimension to life. We have a calling. We’ve been set aside to be a holy people in a broken world, and that purpose gives a new perspective to everything we do or say. Gathered by the Spirit into faith communities we will spark healing and reconciliation in a multitude of places. We will be the world’s difference makers.

Thought for the Day: What difference am I making?


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