Daily Devotions: February 9, 2018

Daily Devotions: February 9, 2018

  2 Corinthians 4:5-6

“For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake.” vs. 5

In spite of the criticism that he frequently received, Paul remained convinced that the good news he proclaimed was from God. When accused, he would fall back on the basic principles of his mission: Jesus Christ was Lord and he was a slave. We might not like that kind of language, particularly the part about being a slave, but these two ideas are the strength of the true Church of Christ. This whole enterprise, this call that we have received in baptism from God, is not about self-exaltation or power-grabbing. Instead, like the early Christians, we proclaim our simple creed, “Jesus Christ is Lord!” and then give our lives as slaves to those we are called to serve. Whatever profession or career we find ourselves in, whatever job we come to have, our number one priority will be service to our fellow workers and our clients. Certainly that’s what Jesus had in mind for his followers–he said it again and again in the course of his teachings. He himself had come, not to be served, but to serve and to give his life for others. Paul knew that, and nothing gave him more joy than being a slave for Jesus’ sake. It was his princely calling…and so it is for us!

Thought for the Day: If I’m a slave, who is my master?


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