August 26, 2018
John 6:62-69…“Simon Peter answered him, ’Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.’” vss. 68-69
From time to time, disciples wander off and cease to be a part of a worshipping community. It could be that they’re burned out and want a break from heavy involvement. Or, maybe they’ve gotten upset, something that sadly seems to happen with some frequency. Of course it could also be a faith crisis. They question the teachings they’ve heard and decide to check out other possibilities. It’s not unusual for folks to start thinking such things, but, when it comes to finding other paths to enlightenment, many people find themselves echoing the words of Peter: “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.” And that’s really how it is for followers of Jesus. They know enough of the world and things that are being practiced and taught, and they’re convinced that they aren’t going to find a better way to live than the Way and Truth of Jesus. And so they continue walking with him. Their faith is their strength amidst the joys and disappointments of the journey, and it even grows stronger year by year. They know in their hearts that Jesus is the Holy One of God and have come to believe that following in his steps brings both comfort and hope. For them, it is the very best way to live.
Thought for the Day: Who would I follow if I didn’t follow Jesus?