Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.” vs. 4

Psalm 98:1-4

We’re not sure what triggered the psalmist’s extravagant hymn of praise to the Lord–it was likely some celebration of God’s special relationship to the house of Israel. But what catches our attention is his sense of the close connection between the Lord and the creation. We get that same feeling every year as we continue our celebration of Easter through the season of spring. It’s as though all the earth is singing with joy at the signs of new life all around. Resurrection wasn’t a one time event, it happens again and again in the course of our lifetimes, as trees bud and burst into bloom, as flowers spring up in the desert, and as birds return with joy to our yards. Easter is a beautiful time of year, and we’re glad to join the trees in their songs of praise. As we sing of Christ’s triumph over the grave, they’re rejoicing at the appearance of the yellow blossoms and bright green leaves. Even the cacti get into the mood and we can imagine their thrill at the appearance of buds holding the promise of new growth. Easter truly is the season for celebrating the earth and encouraging environmental awareness. It’s a reminder that we who are a part of creation can never live apart from creation–all is One in Christ!

Thought for the Day: Where have I heard creation singing?


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