Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody. With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord.” vss. 5-6

Psalm 98:5-9

The psalmist gives us a glimpse of temple worship and makes us wish we could have been there. While arrangements likely varied from season to season there were plenty of opportunities for musicians to pull out all the stops. They spared nothing in making a joyful noise before the Lord. On festival days we’d have heard lyres, trumpets and horns, cymbals, and melodic choirs–and it wouldn’t have been boring. Court musicians were constantly working on new songs and responsive psalms–it was a full-time job for some. That’s always how it’s been for the people of God–worship really doesn’t seem like worship without the sounds of instruments and choirs, and opportunities to sing our hearts out. For some that’s what’s been missing in this year of COVID, and even when they can watch on Youtube or Livestream, worship isn’t the same without joyful noises and festive shouts. That’s what many are waiting for now as churches begin to open up–only when singing returns will they feel as though their worship is truly authentic. They’ll even be open to new songs; freshly composed hymns of praise and joy reflecting the marvelous work of the Lord in bringing new life to our hurting world. What a day that first festival worship service will be!!!!

Thought for the Day: Why do some dislike new songs in worship?


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