"salvation" Tagged Touchpoints (Page 2)

"salvation" Tagged Touchpoints (Page 2)

The essence of the Divine Touchpoint

Unity, not Separation

Grace and peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. The essence of the Divine. Master, leave. I’m a sinner and can’t handle this holiness. Leave me to myself.” Luke 5:1-11 Peter is both right and wrong at the same time. “I’m a sinner” … Correctomundo Peter! “Leave me to myself” … Couldn’t be more wrong on that one. Before we begin to talk about this text, we have to come to some definition…
Baptism of water and fire

John the Baptist’s Hot Sauce

“And so, I need that unquenchable fire to burn in me. To burn away the chaff in me so that I can bear fruit that befits repentance. What I need is a continual baptism of water and fire. Though frankly, I would just prefer the water.”
Dejected child with ball illustrates Wednesday Respite Touchpoint 'Just KIDding"

Jesus is JUST KID-ing

“While your relationship with Jesus may be personal, it is not private and neither is your salvation, your healing, or your wholeness. Which, by the way is what the word ‘salvation’ means. It means ‘healing,’ ‘wholeness,’ ‘completeness.’ And none of that can you accomplish alone…in private…personally.”

Saving Face

I am, just like Herod, deeply invested and complicitly enmeshed in saving face.

Dis-membered and Re-membered

Grace and peace from the mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. And I will remember their sin no more. Jeremiah 31:31-34 I talk a lot about the word remember. I use it in connection to Holy Communion when Jesus says to “Do this to re-member me.” And I use it to mean, not the opposite of ‘forget’, but as the opposite of ‘dis-member’. To ‘re-member’ is to ‘member’, connect, join. We partake of this meal…

A Defining Moment

Grace and peace from Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. But Peter grabbed him in protest.” Mark 8:31-38 It’s a question of definitions. What is the essence of the Christ? What is the end game of the Divine? What does it mean to be ‘saved’? Or what is ‘salvation’? This is what is getting worked out in this passage. And it’s not something we can gloss over. In the previous verses, Jesus asks the disciples,…
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