"Holy Communion" Tagged Touchpoints (Page 2)

"Holy Communion" Tagged Touchpoints (Page 2)

Jesus Forbids Forbidding

“Jesus takes on the ultimate exclusions, murder and death. And transforms them into resurrection and life. You see, even exclusion gets taken up into the Mystery and is transformed into healing and wholeness. Jesus forbids forbidding by transforming it, not excluding it.”
A picture of the 12 disciples to illustrate the concept This Teaching Is Difficult for Touchpoint for 8/18/21

Which Disciple Are You?

Which kind of disciple am I? I am all of them. Sometimes I walk away from the Christ, and the flesh and blood the Christ inhabits. “Lord, when did I see you hungry, or thirsty, or in prison?” Sometimes I declare as well, “Lord, to whom shall we go? This is where I experience life at its deepest level.” And sometimes I betray it all.
A piece of cake illustrating Touchpoint from 8/11/21

Feast on Life

Maybe all of existence is part of “I Am.” And so when we eat, we eat “I Am.” And when we breathe, we breathe “I Am.” And when we open our eyes in the morning we see “I Am.” And when we touch, and listen and take in the whole world, we are taking in “I Am.”
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