'God’s grace' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'God’s grace' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Daily Devotions

Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; and having been made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him…” vss. 8-9 Hebrews 5:5-10 For pious Jews who became followers of Jesus after his resurrection it was natural to connect him with cherished temple practices, and many began to think of him in high priestly terms. The writer of Hebrews picks up on those themes and shows how it was that…

Daily Devotions

For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” vs. 10 Ephesians 2:4-10 We can spend a lot of pointless time wondering about stuff as we live and work in this world. Some think there is great gain in debating the fine points of theology and learning how to articulate our creeds in ever more complex ways. A few are so skillful in such…

Daily Devotions

Ephesians 1:11-14 “In him you also, when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit…” vs. 13 For many believers these words are linked to the Rite of Baptism as practiced by some of our congregations. After the washing with water and the laying on of hands, the officiant proclaims, “__________, child of God, you have been sealed with the Holy…

Daily Devotions

Galatians 4:4-7 “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children.” vss. 4-5 We don’t know whether Paul was familiar with the infancy stories included by Matthew and Luke in their gospels–but he regularly emphasizes the humanity of Jesus in his epistles. Jesus was born of a woman and was a…

Daily Devotions

Matthew 25:14-18 “For it is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them; to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability.” vss. 14-15 Essentially, all that we do in life is stewardship. Every person on the planet has been entrusted with gifts and abilities that are the legacy of our Creator. No one has been exempted and each has been blessed…

Daily Devotions

Matthew 20:10-16 … “And when they received it, they grumbled against the landowner, saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’” vss. 11-12 Folks weren’t much different in Jesus’ day than they are now. No one liked it when hard-workers didn’t get credit for their labor, particularly when those perceived to be slackers received equal compensation. Everyone could relate to the…

Daily Devotions

Psalm 103:8-13 … “He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.” vs. 10 Probably each of us have heard someone say these words: “The Lord is going to get you for that!” More often than not such things are said in jest, and are meant as a joke, but occasionally they’re said in dead seriousness. The speaker sincerely wants the hearer to know that whatever has been said or done is…

Daily Devotions

Romans 11:29-32 … “for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” vs. 29 Paul was explaining to his Roman readers that the disobedience of the Jews had not separated them from the love of God. Just as Gentiles, in spite of their disobedience, had been shown the mercies of God, so it was with the Jews. His careful arguments to that effect are likely not of much interest to us, but his conclusions bring a mind-boggling word of…

Daily Devotions: July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020   Romans 9:1-2 … “I am speaking the truth in Christ—I am not lying; my conscience confirms it by the Holy Spirit— I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.” vss. 1-2 Paul has just told his readers that there is absolutely nothing in all of creation, not even death, that can separate us from the love of God. It is without a doubt one of the most reassuring and grace-filled passages in all of scripture–most…
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