'fruits' Tagged Posts

'fruits' Tagged Posts

Daily Devotions

Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that produces the fruits of the kingdom.” vs. 43 Matthew 21:42-46 The scribes and the high priests may not have gotten the point when Jesus told the parable of the unjust tenants, but they had no doubts about his interpretation. As he had many times in his ministry, he makes it plain that God doesn’t care a fig about our fine…

Daily Devotions

He replied, ‘Sir, let it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it. If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.’” vss. 8-9 Luke 13:6-9 When we study scripture we tend to fall into the either-or trap–either this is true or that is true. For example, either we’re saved by grace or we’re saved by works, and we choose whichever “truth” suits our fancy…

Daily Devotions: June 28, 2019

June 28, 2019 For full passage click: Galatians 5:15-25 …“By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.” vss. 22-23 Once we recognize that we have been set free from the law, two distinct possibilities for living await us. In Paul’s terms, one option is to allow the desires and passions of the flesh determine what we will say and do. It’s a tempting…

Daily Devotions: April 28, 2018

April 28, 2018 John 15:1-5…“Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.” vs. 4 While faith is a great gift for followers of Jesus, there is nothing more important in their lives than bearing fruit. Over and over Jesus hammered this home in his teaching. We can have proper theologies and know all the creeds but, if…