'Friendship' Tagged Posts
Daily Devotions
If you remove the yoke from among you, the pointing of the finger, the speaking of evil, if you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noonday.” vss. 9b-10 Isaiah 58:9b-12 It is so easy to “drink the lemonade” of the times and take delight in its tangy flavors. And the politicized moments of these last months have offered plenty…
Howie Wennes Celebration of Life
A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Sunday, August 14 at Ascension Lutheran Church in Thousand Oaks at 1:00 p.m. The service will also be livestreamed during that time on Ascension’s website at https://alcto.org/. The service also will be available for viewing at a later date.
Remembering Howie Wennes
“We miss you, Howie Wennes, and we thank God for your work in lighting the lamp of Spirit in the Desert that continues to guide us today.”
Carefree participates in Spirit’s Virtual Silent Auction
The Carefree business community generously stepped up to support Spirit in the Desert by donating dozens of items for the Virtual Silent Auction fund raiser held the third week in May, 2021. More than 32 merchants, restaurants, individuals, organizations, and friends of Spirit contributed to the successful, first-ever, Virtual Silent Auction. Participants bid on gifts, home goods, accessories, vacations, a new Apple watch, restaurant gift certificates, and a gourmet meal for ten prepared by Spirit in the Desert’s Chef, Zoe…
Thank You, ALC!
Our heartfelt thanks extends today to the good people of American Lutheran Church, Sun City for their generous support of Spirit in the Desert. We are so grateful for our congregational partners in ministry ~ the team at your favorite retreat center looks forward to serving you someday soon! @AmericanLutheranChurchofSunCity
Daily Devotions: July 25 , 2018
July 25, 2018 Psalm 145:15-18…“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” vs. 18 The psalmist has a compelling perspective. Not only is the Lord the awesome ruler of the universe, one who provides for the needs of every living creature, the Lord is also the intimate source of strength and life, as near to us as our breath. It’s important for us to remember this, particularly when we struggle…