Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Some were sick through their sinful ways, and because of their iniquities endured affliction; Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress;” vss. 17, 19

Psalm 107:17-22

The psalmist knew that sometimes people didn’t get what they deserved, that even though their lives had been marked by rebellion and complaining, the Lord’s healing love was unconditional. Thousands of years later folks continue to find consolation in that surprising good news, especially those who have not led exemplary lives. There are a multitude of ways for us to get messed up in the course of a lifetime. Sometimes it happens early on with parental abuse or neglect. And then there are those “friends” we make during our school days. They’re quick to welcome us into their rebel culture and before we know it we’ve started a downward spiral into a world of licentiousness and excess. Oh, the bad choices we make in those formative years–they can haunt our lives for decades. By the time we even think of our long-neglected faith and come to our senses, we imagine we’ve wandered too long and too far, and that there’s no way back to God. And then comes the big surprise! God’s love has been there all along, and the image of God remains in our souls. In our distress we are lifted up and find our salvation, and we continue our journey with joy in our hearts. Oh, how good it is to be loved by God!

Thought for the Day: What has messed me up along the way?


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