O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” vs. 1
Psalm 107:1-3
Occasionally, especially in the middle of Lent or a particularly upsetting news cycle, it’s helpful for people of faith to pause and give thanks to the Lord for the relentless and unceasing love that undergirds our being. Sometimes we’re like old crows as we plod through life. Distracted by everything that moves or glitters we spend our days flitting from this to that, hoping that we can perhaps find some precious bauble that we can take home to our nests. It’s wearisome to live that way and often we wonder why we end up so bothered and irritated. Often it gets so bad that we can’t even watch the evening news without blowing a gasket, which is exactly the intent of the broadcaster! That’s when we need to turn back to the basics and repeat the refrain of the psalmist, “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,” and then go out into our yards and wonder at the beauty of the spring daisies popping up in the yards of our neighborhoods. All the political scheming is here today and gone tomorrow as the old disruptors continue their march to oblivion. But the beauty of the flowers is forever, and they return year after year to remind us of God’s presence and steadfast love. We are so blessed in our spectacular universe, and when we’ve been upset, it feels good to return to the love that will never let us go!
Thought for the Day: Where will I get my “God fix” today?