And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him.” vs 10
Mark 1:9-11
According to Mark, after his baptism Jesus received an epiphany that forever changed the direction of his life. Prior to that moment we know virtually nothing about him, only that he had come to the Jordan from Nazareth in Galilee, a small hamlet near the city of Sepphorus. There are some who believe that Jesus must have known of his divine origins as a child, and that he knew the trajectory of his life from the beginning. But, apart from one random story in Luke’s gospel, there is no scriptural basis for that understanding. Indeed, Mark tells us his call was like a bolt out of the blue, unexpected and overwhelming, with both visual and aural elements, and that from that point on Jesus believed himself to be the Chosen One of God, the long awaited messiah. Not long after that experience, after some time in the wilderness being tested and trained by the Spirit, he began his teaching, preaching, and healing ministry. Life-changing epiphanies are rare, but not unknown among us. Spiritual leaders like St. Francis, Martin Luther, John Wesley, and even Joseph Smith claim to have had life transforming experiences. Most of us learn to be content without such “eureka” moments–it is enough for us that Jesus did. It’s a blessing to just follow in his way!
Thought for the Day: What epiphany-like moments have I had?