On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” vs. 11
Matthew 2:1-12
Matthew really didn’t have much to say about the birth of Jesus. According to his sources, Joseph had a home in Bethlehem and the child was born there–there’s no mention of an inn or a stable. But he does add a follow-up story about wise men from the East that captures our imagination and that provides parts for three tall boys in our Christmas Sunday School pageants. While we spend time speculating about the magi and their origins, the real star of Matthew’s story is the star. Its sudden appearance in the heavens propelled the wise men on their journey and the story reminds readers that Jesus belongs to the nations and not just the Jews. From early on the Church has celebrated the festival of Epiphany to commemorate the visit of the magi. Jesus is the manifestation or epiphany of the Divine Presence for all people and during the season of Epiphany we’ll be celebrating all the ways in which the Light of God was revealed in him through the course of his ministry. This is also the time of the church year in which we emphasize the natural inclination of Christians to let their light shine in the presence of others. It is often thought of as the season of evangelism and outreach.
Thought for the Day: How does the light of Christ shine in my life?