January 7, 2020
For full passage click: Isaiah 42:1-9 … “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.” vs. 1
Isaiah wrote these words with respect to Israel, and he presumed that the nation would be the agent of the Lord’s redemptive power. This was the “new-look-Israel” – a country focused not on tribal expansion, but on being the spirit-filled, light-bringing presence of the Lord among the nations of the world. Later on when Jesus submitted to the baptism of John, these words rang in his ears as a call from God. He felt the presence of the Spirit and believed that he had been sent to bring light to the nations–and that’s what he did! He didn’t form an army or make threatening gestures, he wasn’t that kind of leader! In fact, there was a spirit of gentleness about him as he acted with conviction and purpose to bring release to captives and recovery of sight to the blind. Through the years, those baptized into his name have been expected to continue that mission and many have done exactly that. All over the world servants of the Lord have faithfully acted as beacons of truth and love. Whole communities have been formed in the name of Jesus and worked to bring justice and peace to the broken and the poor. Through us the vision of Isaiah has become a continuing reality, and the Light of Christ shines brightly.
Thought for the Day: What is my calling?