Daily Devotions: February 5, 2018

Daily Devotions: February 5, 2018

2 Kings 2:1-8

“Elijah said to Elisha, ‘Stay here; for the Lord has sent me as far as Bethel.’ But Elisha said, ‘As the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.’  So they went down to Bethel.” vs. 2

Elisha had left his father and mother and dedicated his life to Elijah, the great prophet of Israel. The two of them had a long and fruitful ministry together and Elisha couldn’t bear the thought of it coming to an end. Consequently, when Elijah tells him to remain behind–he refuses and the two go on together. Many of us have had special relationships like that, a loving tight connection to another person that we pray could go on forever. Of course that can’t happen…and ultimately that relationship comes to an end. Those endings are horribly difficult and the resulting grief is often intense. We feel anger, despair, and sadness…and wonder how we can possibly go on without our partner. Sometimes we refuse to let go, and keep hanging on to the relationship, hoping that our denial will allow us to stay connected. In our loneliness, we question our identity and wonder what the future holds for us as a single. Often in that search for meaning and purpose, there’ll be deep reflection and heartfelt prayer. What a blessing it is when we begin to sense that God has not abandoned us…that with every ending there comes a new beginning, and our memories are the seedbed for continued fruitful living.

Thought for the Day: How do relationships end?


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