Daily Devotions: December 13, 2017

Daily Devotions: December 13, 2017

Psalm 126

“Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves.” vs. 6

The third Sunday in Advent arrives on the scene during the darkest time of the year, those days when the sun seems reluctant to show itself and the long nights can bring tearful thoughts of absent loved ones. By tradition, and probably not by accident, this is also the Sunday when we light the pink candle of joy on our Advent wreaths. It reminds us of the intimate relationship between tears and joy in our walk with Jesus. For many the walk through these dark December days is marked by weeping…it’s supposed to be a season of carols and celebration but sometimes all we feel is the pain of loss and separation. This is family time…but brokenness intrudes…and tears flow freely. And then the miracle comes! For people of faith out of the darkness light flickers and bursts into flame. The pink candle is lit and we sense a bit of joy, and with it comes hope. It’s almost as though there’s nourishment in the tears, and the testimony of the psalmist rings true. “Those who go out weeping…shall come home with shouts of joy.” Even when pain and despair grip our souls our suffering Lord stands near with healing for wounded hearts…and by grace the Advent pink triumphs in the midst of the Christmas blues!

Thought for the Day: When have I felt joy in the midst of despair?


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