Daily Devotions: August 8, 2018

Daily Devotions: August 8, 2018

August 8, 2018

Psalm 34:4-8…“O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take refuge in him.” vs. 8

There are a multitude of grocery stores and restaurants that advertise organic and natural foods. They’re seeking to profit on the recent surge of interest in what is called “clean eating,” the desire to avoid processed foods and eat only what is whole or natural. Such eaters assiduously read labels and try to find products that have zero or few additives. Many report that they’re feeling better than ever before, and that their bodies are happy too. Some folks of course are suspicious. Having been raised on fast foods, they’re used to tastes that satisfy unhealthy cravings. They’d much rather have a cheese-covered pepperoni and sausage pizza than a massaged kale salad. Such concern with healthy eating is a good thing and we can only rejoice that people are finding such joy in food. We can only hope that the trend would extend to matters of the spirit as well. The psalmist encourages us to “taste and see that the Lord is good,” and perhaps the idea will catch on. That’s a scary proposition for many. They’re suspicious of anything that sounds religious and fail to see that a regular diet of faith-practices is essential for whole health. Prayer and meditation might appear exotic at first but the benefits are truly life-changing! And they’re at least as palatable as collard greens!

Thought for the Day: How healthy are my eating habits?


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