Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

He answered, ‘I do not know whether he is a sinner. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.’” vs. 25

John 9:17-27

The man who had been born blind had a simple testimony for the religious leaders who were questioning him. He didn’t know about the intricacies of their polemic against Jesus. All he did know was that once he had been blind but now he could see, and that was enough for him. In his book, Jesus had to have been the very presence of God, and he really didn’t care what detractors said about him. That’s kind of still the way it is with us. Experience counts more than anything else as we make our life choices. When we have felt the nearness of God, and have been touched by God’s love, we don’t need a fancy philosophy or a carefully honed argument to become a believer. And that’s how we evaluate people too! When someone brings love and healing into our lives, whether by a word or by a smile, we are touched deeply and an attachment is made. And we really don’t care whether that person is a sinner or not. If others speak poorly of them, we will likely become their greatest defender. As they have done for us, we will do for them. Can we be fooled and manipulated? Of course, that’s always a risk in relationships, But when we’ve been treated kindly and our lives have been changed for the better, a bond is established that is not easily broken.

Thought for the Day: How do people grab my heart?


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