Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’” vs. 6

Galatians 4:6-7

It’s possible to live without any sense of being in relationship with God. In fact, it’s likely that millions of folks could be put into that category. Some of these have deliberately chosen that way of life; they don’t even pretend to believe in God. Others never give the matter a second thought. They focus entirely on their own needs and desires and do what others do: they go to school, get jobs, mate, have children, travel, and set up retirement funds. They have a ton of things that can spark their interests, but God just isn’t a part of their world. But still others, many others, understand themselves to be children of God, not because they’re smarter than others or more religious, but because God’s Spirit lives in their hearts. This God-spark, actually present in all persons, infuses their consciousness and becomes known to them and seen by others. This isn’t because of their own will or desire, it’s just something that happens, and such persons live unabashedly as the off-spring of God, even crying out in their prayers to their “Abba” or “Papa,” a term used by Paul to describe our intimate familial connection to God. Within the context of our limited vocabulary it’s a way to describe the spontaneous bursts of prayer that fill the believer’s day.

Thought for the Day: What intimate term do I use for God?


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