Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” vs. 17

  Colossians 1:17-20

Early Christians came to believe that the Christ who had been made visible in Jesus of Nazareth was the incarnate Word of God, described in the prologue to John’s gospel. Through the Christ, present in the Beginning, all things had come into existence, and the writer of Colossians adds that, “in him all things hold together.” In other words, Christ is the glue of the universe, the connective tissue that binds us to all people and to the earth itself. And because Christ was revealed completely in Jesus, we know that his chief attributes–namely love, mercy, and justice–are the spiritual bonding agents of humanity. Quite obviously there are many differences among the people on this planet, and often those differences have led to prolonged conflict. But when we’re operating at our best, when we put aside our many prejudices, we will discover the amazing adhesive qualities of the invisible Christ and can actually dwell together in peace. Such a vision is not an idle dream but an exciting possibility, and it happens every day somewhere in this world. Bound together by Christ, enemies become friends, the broken find healing, and hatred is replaced by a deep and abiding sacrificial love that comes straight from the heart of God. And what a blessing it is when it happens among us!

Thought for the Day: What binds me together with others?


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