Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth. Upon you I have leaned from my birth; it was you who took me from my mother’s womb. My praise is continually of you.” vss. 5-6

Psalm 71:1-6

The psalmist has lived a long and faithful life–he has trusted in the Lord from the time of his youth, even from the moment of his birth. And now, in his old age things are not going so well, and he calls on the Lord to deliver him. We don’t know exactly what has happened for him, but we do have an idea of what happens to us with the passing of years. At first the retirement years are great–we love the unlimited and unstructured time. But then our bodies begin to fail and various maladies stalk us. Sometimes family and friends drift away and we’re left to live among strangers. Many also dread the onslaught of dementia or Alzeimher’s–we fear above all else the loss of our minds. We laugh about moments of forgetfulness but our hearts are in a panic–we fear that the enemy is at the gates and we don’t know what to do. Those of us who have been believers for a lifetime join the psalmist in calling upon the Lord for deliverance and healing. But we really don’t need to be afraid. The Lord is our Shepherd and as we walk through the valley of shadows and death we will be sustained and comforted. Salvation is ours!

Thought for the Day: How am I dealing with aging?


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