Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.” vs. 11

John 2:6-11

As we move through the season of Epiphany we are being treated to a passages from our scriptures that show a number of “eureka” moments in the lives of Jesus and his disciples. These are the times when, out of the blue, new and life-changing insights and revelations flash into our consciousness. Even though by definition they are rare, they can come to us all–they are those all-too-brief moments when the heavens open and we catch a glimpse of the Divine Mystery. The gospel writer John described the whole life of Jesus as a series of epiphanies and included in his book those he thought would be most likely to make believers of his readers. He begins with an unlikely event, a raucous wedding celebration in Cana–there’s no healing here, no raising of the dead, or the opening of ears. Jesus had been invited, and behind the scenes, changed water into wine so the party could continue. It’s a reminder that the most ordinary circumstances can be the occasion for the revelation of God’s glory. It could be anytime and anywhere! Sometimes it’s when we’ve been wrestling with some issue or problem, some perplexing matter that has us buffaloed. And then, in an instant, the veil is lifted and we “see,” and know a little bit more about who we are, and who God is. And our faith is deepened! And the party continues!

Thought for the Day: What have been the “eureka” moments of my life?


    • Solveig Muus

      Thank you Clara! Beginning tomorrow (1/19) will begin receiving Daily Devotions by Pr. Steve Holm. May they be a blessing to you!

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