Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is great power to redeem.” vs. 7

Psalm 130

The psalmist was at the end of his rope! Overwhelmed by a deep sense of sin and alienation from God, with all religious resources exhausted, he poured out his heart. Speaking for himself and for his nation, he reminds his readers of two things: with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with the Lord there is power to redeem. Times have not changed! Humans have not gotten any better and regularly find themselves battling with sin on a daily basis. It’s like a cancerous infection that affects every part of us and that keeps us from producing the fruits of the Spirit. What a blessing it is to know that there is deep and profound love in the Divine Presence! God is on our side! And more than that, as the psalmist knew, in the Lord there is great power, and we can be restored. Loved and redeemed, we are transformed and resurrected, able to actually be the Light of the world. There aren’t any classes to take, no five easy steps to salvation–God’s love is unconditional and God’s power is available to all. And as we wait upon the Lord, as we surrender in the presence of the Mystery, we are changed. We become the people of the promise and the Spirit-filled conduits of sacrificial love. What started with confession ends with holiness!

Thought for the Day: What does surrender look like in my life?


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