Daily Devotions: April 17, 2018

Daily Devotions: April 17, 2018

April 17, 2018

Acts 4:8-12…“There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved.” vs. 12

The disciples were ecstatic! They had such good news for their leaders…and for the entire world. Through the Holy Spirit they had come to believe that Jesus was the Christ and that through him God’s salvation had come to humanity. As they traveled about proclaiming that audacious message it seemed foolish to some and improbable to others. It was just so hard to believe that God had been revealed in a leader who had suffered and died. But many did believe and because of their trust, the gospel has come to us…and now it’s our turn to consider the truth of the story. There are some who have fully embraced the message but who have also turned it into law. They say that unless people accept Jesus as Christ they have no salvation. Their mission is to guide listeners into making that personal decision. It’s a worthy goal, but that method can easily shift the focus away from Jesus. There is another way, a way that keeps our minds focused on God’s gift rather than the human response. Those believers celebrate the good news of Jesus and share it with all they encounter. They believe that the steadfast love of God has been revealed in Jesus and that it is for all and not just a few. They want all people to know that God loves them unconditionally, and that there are no strings attached to the gospel.

Thought for the Day: What are the benefits of confessing Jesus as Savior?


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