Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.” vs. 26

Romans 8:26-27

Praying can be easy! It doesn’t take much planning or thought to pick a table prayer to use before each meal, and often at other times we have our regular list of people–we pray for them every day, often in the same order. Occasionally we even go through the names without even stopping to think of those for whom we are praying. It really can be an easy discipline! But at other times, the really important times when our souls have been crushed and our very spirits are threatened, words become nearly impossible. We don’t have a clue about what to say or even to whom to speak. In those moments we are driven to grunts and moans, and cries of frustration. And Paul says that’s good enough! He tells us that in our weakness the Spirit will intercede, and our mumbling becomes a deep and profound prayer. Jesus himself told his disciples that their best praying would be done in secret, and in the hiddenness of their prayers God would be certain to hear and reward them. Don’t be fooled by those who show off their piety with emotional and effusive prayers in public–that’s only a show, and God is not impressed. It’s the simple inarticulate prayer that will go directly from our mouths to the ear of God.

Thought for the Day: How would I describe my prayer life?


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