Touchpoints from 2022

Touchpoints from 2022

Christ Is Born Touchpoint watercolor picture of Christ in manger

Breathtakingly Normal

“It’s like when you say “I love you” to somebody. That isn’t the only moment that you love them. No, you say it because you want them to see that every moment that takes place between the two of you is filled with your love for them. Or at least, that is your hope.”
God is with us Touchpoint Bethlehem scene at night

God With Us

“And so the AT-ONE-MENT is begun in the manger. “It is finished” on the cross. God sacrifices Godself to be one with us. This is fully symbolized in holy communion: “…my body, my blood, broken and shed for you.” God sacrifices Godself as a “wholly other” to break down and become a “God with us.” The sacrifice of God is begun in the manger.”
Jesus Is the Way Touchpoint John the Baptist

WAY Better

“I can’t imagine the words that came back to John were easy to hear. John had always felt he knew who God was and how God acted. And that the world had better change. In the end, it was John who ended up being changed. And the answer he received only raised more questions.”
The season of Advent Touchpoint is a stump with new growth coming


“In a strange way, my two favorite seasons of the church year are Advent and Lent. I’m not sure what that says about me, but I think I like them because, for me, they are the most honest. They ask me to take a hard look at my life and my world. They don’t let me skim over or pass by the pain in my life or the lives of others. They call me to an honest accounting of myself and my society. And they call me to get back to the source, the root of life. And bear life-giving fruit.”
The Greatness of God Touchpoint

The Miracle of Impermanence

Grace and Peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. The greatness of God. When some were speaking about the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and gifts dedicated to God, he said, ‘As for these things that you see, the days will come when not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down.’” Luke 21:5-19 The people around Jesus are caught up in the beauty of their…
Sainthood in the Brokenness Touchpoint

Who Wants to Be a Saint?

“And one Sunday, it finally dawned on me: “I’m an addict. Only I’m addicted to socially acceptable things. Things like money, the status quo, and prestige.” I’m addicted to avoiding being seen as weak. As a LOSER. And then I realized that the only difference between those addicts and me was while they were ‘recovering addicts’ … I was an ‘uncovering addict.’”
The Faithfulness of God Touchpoint, image of Martin Luther

The Faithfulness of God

“Jesus constantly tries to free us from ourselves, from our desire to be the subject and verb of the faith sentences of our lives. And that’s a different kind of freedom, because usually we think of freedom as being freed from others – from outside events, things and people – but what about freedom from ourselves? Can we as Americans even imagine such a thing?”
Justified by Faith Touchpoint

Justified By God, Our Default Setting

Grace and Peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” Luke 18:9-14 With all due respect to Jean-Paul Sartre, this parable could be called “No Exit.” I feel like I am trapped inside of it, and every attempt I make to dissect and diagnose it leaves me in worse shape than when I started. Don’t be like the Pharisee… I mean, the easy thing is to say,…
Wrestling with God Touchpoint

Limping Along

“You know, if I ever started another church, maybe I would name it the “World Wrestling Federation Lutheran Church.” And my benediction every Sunday would be, “Let’s get ready to Rumble!!!””
Your Faith Has Made You Well Touchpoint

Living a Life of “Thank You”

“To live a life of thanksgiving means I have to acknowledge a ‘giver’ … a ‘gifter.’ It means acknowledging that I am not the beginning and end of existence. To live a life of thanksgiving means to acknowledge that the idea that I have possessions is an illusion. To be thankful for everything means that everything is a gift.”
Lord increase our faith Touchpoint

Tiny Faith

“If grace is at the foundation of life – of existence – then why are we striving? If Jesus is the Savior of the world, then quit trying to save yourself or climb some spiritual ladder.”