Touchpoints from May 2021

Touchpoints from May 2021

The UN-certainty of God

Let’s not make the mistake with this text of trying to move from one certainty to another. That is just moving from the frying pan into the fire. No, the move is from certainty to mystery. That is why the analogies are birth and wind.

What is Your Native Language?

Grace and peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. … we hear, each of us, in our own native language.” Acts 2: 1-21 The Pentecost story from the book of Acts is such a story in contrasts. The disciples, hiding in fear, wanting to be isolated, are thrust out into the world with a big spotlight on them. The peoples of the world, separated by language and culture, are now united in a…

Call the Next Witness

To say our lives witness TO God, then, does not depend on our acceptance, approval, or agreement. It does not depend on our readiness or responsiveness. It doesn’t depend on our oratory or persuasive skills, and it doesn’t depend on me making you into anythinG.

No Choice in the Matter

It’s a theological Copernican revolution if you think about it. Just as the sun doesn’t revolve around the earth, God doesn’t revolve around me. I revolve around God.