"Wedding at Cana" Tagged Touchpoints

"Wedding at Cana" Tagged Touchpoints

Love Before Purity

“Our rituals indeed serve a purpose, but they outlive their usefulness when it comes down to living in the reality of love and family. The demand for rituals and traditions as prerequisites can become an obstacle to intimacy with the divine—the sacred in all things, especially the intrinsic belonging of humanity to each other, the earth, and to God.”
Touchpoint: Jesus turns water into wine. Watercolor image by Louis Kahan of the Wedding at Cana, Jesus turning water into wine

Do That Thing You Do

“It may seem unorthodox according to temple rules, but maybe it wasn’t so unorthodox after all. Maybe it was simply the truth—that there was no more need for ceremonial washing water. All was becoming new—not just the joining of two people in marriage but the joining together of the embodied Christ and new wine.”