"ways of the world" Tagged Touchpoints

"ways of the world" Tagged Touchpoints

with-god-all-things-are-possible, Sermon on the Mount in watercolor, Beatitudes

With God, All Things are Possible… Yikes!!!

“This is why Paul calls the cross foolishness and a stumbling block. The unacceptable one has chosen the unacceptable, the weak, the foolish and low-lifes. The unaccepted one has chosen to become unacceptable, weak, foolish and lowly. And in so doing, proclaims loud and clear that there are no ‘unacceptables.’”
Crown of Thorns illustrates Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world

A Different Kingdom

“resources cut. It’s present whenever the homeless are sheltered, rather than demonized. It’s there whenever children are welcomed, rather than put in cages.”