"Spirit" Tagged Touchpoints

"Spirit" Tagged Touchpoints

Touchpoint: The gentile woman's faith; image of puppy under the table eyeing a loaf of bread

The Sigh

“After the sigh Jesus looks up into heaven. What does this mean? To me, it means that heaven is indeed a place where there is freedom, even more evidence that heaven is not a place we go, but is with us right now. Heaven is, as Jesus said, “at hand.” “Ephphatha!” Be opened he sighed, and it was… and all the windows of his soul’s senses were thrown wide open.”
Touchpoint: The Other Side; image portrays a black woman on her knees reaching to touch the cloak of Jesus

The Other Side

Grace and peace to you from the Mystery in whom we live and move, and have our being. A woman healed. She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, for she said, ‘If I but touch his cloak, I will be made well.’” Mark 5:21-43 A woman healed Whenever we go to the other side, we leave where we were. The Other Side can be a mystery. We are often led to…
Touchpoint: Valley of Dry Bones; image of skeletons on a desert floor

Dem Bones

“‘Do you see just dry bones? Or something more? Do you see the potential for new life? Or simply the wreckage of history? Do you see the bones coming together in a new way? Do you see the breath of Spirit in them? What is it you see, when you look at this world that seems only full of dry bones?’ Where I so often think I am looking at a world of dry bones, they were able to see a place of life-giving Spirit. Where I so often think I am looking at a world of dry bones, they were seeing a place that God has already put the Spirit within, and is alive.”
Community of the Wild Goose; photo image of a goose taking flight

Wild Goose, Free Spirit

“May we offer an alternative. May we open the doors and windows of our personal and institutional temples. May the cords of Jesus swing with love, agapao love. May it have the snap of compassion, the wind of spirit. May it bring the rain of grace to soothe the wounded. May it be embodied in the bread and juice in a new political and religious party. The new wine party poured into new wineskins and shared to all those hungry for authenticity and a full welcome! May it be for the posers, fakers and wannabes that Brennan Manning describes.”
Touchpoint: Come and See. Illustration in chalk of Jesus calling two disciples.

You’re Soaking in It!

“What Jesus was bringing was peace, no more religious destruction, or death… a life that is forever. Jesus brought life. Jesus brought life into the temples. He brought life into the homes of the ailing. He brought life to the seas and to the valleys, to the mountain tops and the desert floors. Jesus brought life. Jesus did not choose life. Life was not chosen. He was soaking in it.”